Saturday 19 March 2011


I think there were many factors in my weightloss..
In September 2010, I weighed just over 15 stone and was a size 18/20. I now weigh just over 12 and am a 12/14/16. I think the main cause for this was being put on Dianette. I went on the pill, (not Dianette, the name escapes me..), when I was 14 and went from a size 20 to a 14 in a matter of weeks. The same has happened this time. I don't know why, I guess the balance of hormones does something?

Anyway, along with that, my relationship broke ended, (we're still close friends, panic not), I finally went to see my GP about my constant depression and decided to get my behind in gear and started exercising!
I have also cut out caffeine, all fizzy drinks and the only milk I have is skimmed and in my cereal.

The exercise now only happens when I can be bothered, but I do try and do half an hour on the exercise bike at least once a day. Everything I eat is healthy, minus the muffins I bake - but even they're low in sugar! I also swear by peppermint tea. It's amazing for digestion and I think it's done something to kick start my metabolism. Drinking it constantly, however, does give you a fair bit of wind!!

I must say, losing the weight has helped me with my confidence. I feel more like myself than I ever have.
I'd say I had more energy, but that'd be a lie. I think that's partly down to my depression too though. Once I do finally get going, theres no stopping me! But, it's the getting going I seem to have a slight problem with!

My tips, minus the Dianette are:

1. Exercise for at least half an hour a day.
I find cardio helps the most. I tend to try and push myself an extra five minutes a time. If your heart rate hasn't increased, you're not doing enough!
 - You can pick-up exercise bikes super cheap on eBay or even on a Freecycle page!

2. Eat smaller portions, regularly.For years, I skipped breakfast. Now however, I can't do anything without a bowl of sultana bran or Special K berries! Trust me, it really does help! I rarely snack anymore and if I do, it's fruit. Energy food is where it's at, ladies!

3. Cutting down on alcohol.Since being put on anti-depressant, I've had no choice but to lower my alcohol intake. I shouldn't drink at all, but sharing a bottle of red with the girls, every once in a while, won't kill me! But yes, I no longer binge on cider when I go out. It's done wonders for my waistline!

4. Don't let it rule your life.No matter how much you want to lose weight, treat yourself to a chocolate bar or a meal out with friends every now and then! It weightloss becomes the be all and end all, you'll start to get bored and fail.

I really hope this has helped, even if only a small amount.
If you have any questions, please, ask away! And don't forget, my e-mail address is over there >>>

Beardy x

Thursday 17 March 2011

One small step..

I did two posts yesterday, but neither wanted to save. *huff*

Anyway, yesterday I had a doctors appointment. Seeing as the surgery is only a 10 minuite walk, I decided on minimal make-up - which is something I rarely do! Then, I thought.. Sod it, the re-growth on my face isn't bad enough to bother shaving it. (I like to leave it to grow if I'm not going anywhere, to let my skin recover).

So yes! I left the house with slight stuble and minimal make-up!
I'm not sure how many of you get the facial hair, but it was a massive deal for me. I've been shaving my face, almost daily, for almost seven years.

Talking of facial hair - Would anyone be interested in a post about my hair removal and skin care routine? I manage to keep my skin in pretty good condition.

Beardy x

Thursday 10 March 2011


After being a massive blog failure, I'm more determind than ever to keep this up!
So, at least once a week - I shall update, instead of the once a day that I had originally intended on.

Started on the Vaniqa cream yesterday! I shall keep you posted!

Beardy x