Thursday 17 March 2011

One small step..

I did two posts yesterday, but neither wanted to save. *huff*

Anyway, yesterday I had a doctors appointment. Seeing as the surgery is only a 10 minuite walk, I decided on minimal make-up - which is something I rarely do! Then, I thought.. Sod it, the re-growth on my face isn't bad enough to bother shaving it. (I like to leave it to grow if I'm not going anywhere, to let my skin recover).

So yes! I left the house with slight stuble and minimal make-up!
I'm not sure how many of you get the facial hair, but it was a massive deal for me. I've been shaving my face, almost daily, for almost seven years.

Talking of facial hair - Would anyone be interested in a post about my hair removal and skin care routine? I manage to keep my skin in pretty good condition.

Beardy x


  1. I left the house yesterday with no make up and slight stubble too. Honestly, I just don't care any more. It's not like I'm letting it grow super long, but there is only so much upkeep I can do every day. And like you said, there is only so much my skin can take.

  2. Good for you honey!! If I'm honest, I don't think anyone else would actually notice. My ex always used to say he couldn't see it. I guess he was right? It's a mind thing too.

    Keep an eye out for my skincare and hair removal post. You may find it helpful!

    B x
