Thursday 23 September 2010

Getting to know well, me..

Well hello!

I guess I should introduce myself.. Call me Beardy! I live in London Town, in a big old house, with a mental cat who mainly eats my legs. I love him, really, i do.. I have the most wonderful and supportive boyfriend, he's my world. My friends are the best anyone could ever ask for!

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 17 and have stuggled to deal with it since.
I will be posting on this blog anonymously. Not to protect myself from anything, but so that you can all talk to me freely. I'm sure there will be a day  I'll trip-up and "come clean", but for now, I'm just Beardy.

This blog will be documenting my day-to-day living with PCOS as well as some of the random events that occur in my ever-so-slightly odd life. I'm going to be painfully honest, well try, but I'm sure it'll get easier to write.

Sorry, in advance if there are a few days between updates. I have quite a bit going on at the moment, but look on the brightside, the updates will be longer..

Ok, it's late and I should sleep.
Please, feel free to introduce yourselves. Include any other information you feel comfortable with too! We're all here for the same reason.

Beardy x

Ps. Don't forget to 'Like' my Facebook page!

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