Sunday 29 May 2011

Things are looking up!

Today has been a good day, even though I've not left the house.
I am now officially an Avon Sales Leader and I have a date with a gorgeous tattooed man coming up!

I also have an appointment sorted with my GP to get my anti-depressants changed. I think my body has gotten used to the ones I'm on now. Boo-hiss!

Anyway, this job! i'm so glad I've found something that will still leave me with time to do my own things. Blogging, baking, sewing and a new addition to the list... Writing a book! It may take a good while for me to properly get it started, but I will do this!

Right, I have work to get on with! I hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

- Beardy x

Wednesday 25 May 2011

My head is all confused..

Today has been majorly odd. I'm not completely sure how I feel about it all.
Let's hope everything pans out.

- Beardy x

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Going backwards?

Today, I went out with a friend for a little shopping trip and a girly lunch. It was lovely to do something other than sitting at home, applying for jobs. Or, just going to the pub. So, why do I feel so down?

I thought my anti-depressants were really working, but the last few months I've felt so empty. Even worthless. Exactly how I felt before I went on the medication. Not sure I can cope living like this anymore - waking up everyday, feeling as though I have nothing to look forward to.

I'm trying so hard to find a job, something that will give me meaning - a reason to be. Maybe once I finally manage that, everything will fall into place?